Our Aims

Let's connect professional engineers across multiple sectors with a new and fresh approach to the engineering industry

We welcome engineers from all disciplines and aim to support your career and needs.

Our organisation brings together engineering disciplines and industries across the world.

We enable a collaborative approach to the engineering industry combining skills & knowledge across multiple sectors.

Let's connect

professional engineers

across multiple sectors

1. Let's build a community network

Work as a community to help, encourage and support all members, identify opportunities and understand the skills needed to support ambitions.

2. Let's break those barriers

Remove barriers between the different engineering sectors by fusing and correlating engineering disciplines.

3. Let's build our knowledge

Ensure members are aware of other and similar projects using industry case studies and best practice.

4. Let's Talk

Collaborate and come together to discuss essential topics identified by members ranging from salaries, contracting/ permanent roles, working overseas, professional registration and personal development strategies.

A new and fresh approach to Engineering

We aim to support you as an individual throughout your professional career